Sunday, January 27, 2019

Last Minute Details

Here are a few last minute details as we head to the NWSC Meet on Monday:

With the temps being low in the morning, winds a bit higher and new snow blowing around, we are wanting to make sure that everyone is prepared and taking care of themselves before, during, and after their races.  We have talked to everyone about this, but parents please help with this as well!  We are wanting them all to have hats for before/after as well as for their races (please no headbands!), a couple of different buffs, and eye protection.  Boys, remember your windbriefs and also please bring an extra sock or thin glove (I'll explain to them tomorrow!!).  An extra winter jacket needs to be worn so when they are not skiing they have something dry and warm on.  Extra gloves/mittens should be packed as well.  If any of them have extra base layers, bring them as well so they can have dry layers on for their second race.

Parents, please remember what was discussed at the beginning of the season that the athletes are wanting from you.  They want you out there supporting them, but please give them the space they need before and after their races. 

We will have a second tent set up with the generator so we can have crockpots running with warm food.  We cannot have them in the Trailhead building, but food can be brought in.  I will also have a heater going in our Eskimo tent that can be brought over to the other tent to help have a warm spot for the skiers right before and right after their races as they get something warm in them.  Please make sure they do have lunches and healthy energy foods that they can be consuming to keep them at full strength (bananas are a great option!)

Finally, the JV Conference Meet will not be happening tomorrow, it is being moved to Feb 11th at Elm Creek.

Thanks and lets give ourselves a great day of racing!


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