Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Uniforms and Waxing

This is just a reminder that after practice today the skiers will be getting their uniforms at the high school and we will also be waxing their skis to get ready for tomorrow.  Most of the skiers should be able to be done in less than an hour, but we want to make sure everyone's skis are ready.  If you are choosing to wax your own (or your skiers) skis, that is not a problem.  Any questions on what to use or what we as a team are using, please ask.

Also, below is from our "Waxing Basics" page on the right side of the blog.  Please read through this, especially for those of you that are new and are interested in knowing more about ski prep.  For those that have waxed in the past, please note that the wax industry is in a major change right now, some waxes are not available any more, and some are completely illegal, so max sure to go through the link that shows what CXC (Central Cross Country) has ok'd and is being used for many of the citizen races as well.

Any questions, please let me know,

Waxing is a very important part of Nordic Skiing, but also a very complicated part.  We want to give everyone the information on how to do this, but please note, we are not expecting you to do this on your own, or to understand all of it, especially now.  The wax industry is going through a major change and a lot of the waxes that were being used on the higher end races no longer are made, thus there is a lot more testing of the new waxes happening and some of these new waxes will out perform others depending on the conditions.  So, please read through this information and if you are interested in getting more involved with the waxing of our skiers skis, please talk to me and I can help you go in the right direction.  I am also giving you below what we as a team are doing for waxes this year and for the foreseeable future.   One other area of waxing/ski prep that is proving that is has more effect on a ski's performance is Structure, especially for the shorter races that our skiers compete in.  We as a team have many options and continue to test them to see what will work best for the day.

Below is a link to the basics of waxing and all that can go into getting skis ready.  This came from the Bolder Nordic catalog and they said that I could post it.  It is very helpful in getting started and understanding some of the lesser known, yet sometimes more important, parts of preparing skis for races.  We will work with the skiers on all of this, but if you have any questions, please feel free to ask:
Waxing Basics

Fluoro Carbon waxes are being fazed out in the Nordic world, and Central Cross Country (CXC) has put out a grid of waxes that are approved for JNQ races as well as other races that they sponsor, with a link to that list below.  Also, many of the bigger Citizen races have banned Fluoro waxes and the State Nordic Coaches Association using the guideline that Fluoro waxes are not allowed in regular season races, but may be used in ones Conference Meet, Section Meet, and State Meets, but not the 100% powders.  Either way, all parties will expect people to abide by these bans on the Fluoro waxes, even though it will be more so on an Honor system due to the fact that testing is still in development for all.  We are also still waiting to hear what, if any, restrictions will be on kick waxes that have Fluoro's.  Once we hear about those, we will post what they are.

We as a team for a number of years have used the Start Green line for colder temps, Rex Blue line for temps in the upper teens to 20's, and the SkiGo C242 Yellow line for the warmer temps for the bigger races.  Last year we started to use Rex Liquid waxes for our weekly Conference (regular season) races due to the ease and quickness of getting many skis done.  

As we move forward and into a new era of waxes and waxing, we have made some minor changes, but I have tested many of these, used many of them on a regular basis, and have discussed them with multiple people who have tested the newer waxes, in particular the liquid waxes. Here is what we are going to plan moving forward as a team:  (All of our decisions are non-Fluoro waxes, but if we are able to use Fluoro's at all this year, we will go with those waxes that fit in the line with what we use)

For our Weekly Conference Races:
Rode Liquid Waxes (we as a team will continue to apply this the night before meets)
   - We may still use Rex liquids from time to time based on performance of the wax

For the Conference, Section, and State Races:
Start Green: -10C to -30C
Rex Blue: -1C to -10C
SkiGo C242 Yellow: 0C and Above
However, we will be testing the liquid waxes for these races as well, and if we feel that one will work better than the hard waxes, we will go with that wax.

As for Kick Wax, we as a Coaching Staff have tried to make things even more simple for everyone for our practices and weekly Conference races. Our skiers will use either Rode Special Green, Swix Extra Blue, or Rode Multigrade Violet.  These three waxes cover most conditions, but we do have other waxes, including liquid klister, that may be needed and we will put that on the skiers skis.  When it comes to the Conference, Section, and State Meet, we as a team have many more options and we as Coaches will have tested and will test those waxes to see what will be best for the day.  Some of those waxes, though, may not be allowed depending on what the decision on Fluoro Kick Waxes is going to be.

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