Sunday, July 26, 2020

Week of July27

We are down to our last two weeks of being able to work with the skiers during the summer and it has been great to see the numbers as well as the effort that is coming out of everyone, plus they seem to be having fun doing the work!!

Here is what we are planning for this week:
Tuesday - Knox Hill, Wintercrest Park, on foot with classic poles
Thursday - Bunker Golf Course Parking Lot 1, on wheels, skate

One thing new to note is the need for a face mask at the beginning and end of workouts.  With the new executive order for masks indoors, even though we are outdoors, we are in close enough proximity to each other that we need everyone to please bring theirs to wear during warm ups, drills and at the end of practices.


Sunday, July 19, 2020

Week of July 20

Here is where and what will be going on for this week.  Any questions, please let us know,

Both Tuesday and Thursday will be at Bunker Golf Course Lot #1, on wheels,


Monday, July 13, 2020

Week of July 13

Here is the basic plan for this week for locations and what to bring.  We will still be at 4:00pm, with only a possibility of rain on Tuesday to watch for. If it is just raining, we should be fine, but more than that we will need to cancel.  I'll post something if we do cancel.

Tuesday - Knox Hill (Wintercrest Park behind Hom), on foot w/poles

Thursday - CR Dam, on wheels w/classic poles

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Week of July 6

Here is the basic plan for this week for locations and what to bring.  We will still be at 4:00pm, but due to the heat and possible weather, we will play each day by ear, not only if the weather allows us, but how all of the athletes are handling the heat/humidity as well.

Tuesday - Bunker Golf Course Parking Lot 1, skate wheels and poles

Thursday - Bunker Golf Course Parking Lot 1, classic or skate wheels if that is all you have, double pole focus.


Thursday, July 2, 2020

No Practice Today, Thursday

Due to the extreme heat today, we will not have a practice this afternoon.  Also, we as coaches will need to discuss next weeks practices and times since it appears that next week is going to be similar weather.